Hero image of a victim of sexual abuse staring out the window

Sexual abuse is a horrific crime and can lead to severe psychological and physical injuries and trauma.

Some sexual assault victims are afraid to report the assault to law enforcement or management in the case of workplace violence. Many fear retaliation, verbal attacks, public humiliation and loss of income and opportunities. California legislators recognized how difficult it is for some survivors to report sexual harassment, and thus passed a law that gives victims more time to file a lawsuit against their abusers and the institution (employer, church, school, university, studio) that may have covered it up.

Recent estimates put the lifetime cost of rape at $122,461 per survivor, including medical costs, lost productivity, criminal justice activities, and other costs. – CDC

Sexual abuse includes but is not limited to:

  • Unwanted/unconsented hugging, kissing, sexual touching
  • Unwanted violent sexual contact
  • Sexual contact with someone unable to consent (unconscious or under the influence of drugs or alcohol)
  • Sexual molestation, rape, attempted rape and statutory rape

Don’t Suffer In Silence.

Get the protection and the justice you deserve so you can begin the healing process.

Sexual Abuse Can Occur Anywhere

A survivor can sue their abuser for any sexual abuse or attempt in California since January 2009. Under California law, a sexual assault survivor can revive past claims against companies or their agents if there was a sexual assault, the company is legally responsible for the sexual assault damages or the company successfully engaged in a cover up for the sexual assault or allegation.

If you or a loved one is a survivor of sexual assault or abuse, we can help you hold the abuser accountable. Our compassionate, caring and professional team have a record of representing clients in sensitive cases and taking on powerful companies and people.

Our Attorneys Will Get You the Justice You Deserve

Schedule a confidential, complimentary consultation today.